Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Meaning of the Rosary

The rosary has been historically used by Roman Catholics around the world to offer up prayers to God and Mary. Rosaries are wonderful to use in a time of need or suffering. Most rosaries consist of a string of beads. Rosaries are also used by Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims, to offer up prayers to their Gods.

In the Western World, the rosary commonly consists of 10 sets of beads and the "Hail Mary" is one prayer that is offered up separated by one bead to recite another prayer called "Our Father." These are both common prayers in the Roman Catholic Church. Hail Mary's are usually prayed while meditating on the events of the lives of Jesus and Mary. During these prayers, one should try and focus on the sacrifice both Jesus and Mary gave for mankind. When praying to Jesus, one should focus on the dieing and suffering on the cross that Jesus endured as the ultimate sacrifice for all the sins of mankind. The Virgin Mary carried the baby Jesus that would be later known as the Savior of the World. Another common prayer is Glory be to the Father that is usually recited after each seat of beads. Often times throughout the prayers, there are meditations on a series of biblical themes.

I think rosaries are most useful during times of great suffering or challenges in life. I personally carry a rosary with me at all times just in case the enemy is lurking near. Rosaries are as good as guardian angels in my opinion.

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